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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-18  |  208KB  |  500x532  |  8-bit (233 colors)
Labels: grandstand | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YELDS IN THE US. Yiel o Weeles ir Mininuam Telepuong Tatlu: Tusthtution (state] May2 1op20 mes.tmeni 118 MONEY -MARKET ACCOUNTS AFBA Industria Bank [Colo.] 4.75% 4.76% 61 000 900-776-2265 Kay Bank U.S.A. [N.Y] 4.39 2,500 800-8725553 First Deposit National (N.H.) 4.31 5,0o0 800. 801 -9049 Franklin Savings Association [Has.] 4.18 200-235-9323 Washington Federal Savings tD.G.J 1.18 202.537.8228 SiX. -MONTH COs Sonthern Pacifie Thrift & Loan (Calif.} 4.557 4.666 $5.000 310-204 -2913 AFBA Industrial Bank {Co[G-] 4.50 1.000 800.776 2266 Guaranty-First Trust [Mass.] 137 1.000 517-89G-2100 Atlantic Bank &Trust t[Mas] 33 2.500 800 1727 -2723 Colonial National I{DcL} 30 2.600 800-1:1-7306 ONE YEAR GDs AFBP Industrial Bank [Co[o.] 1.904 .000 800-776 -2265 Southerm Pacific Thrfft & Lo ...